


We had a very fun and exciting Easter! We were blessed to be able to spend it with the best family ever! And ever got to see some of the best friends ever, too :) 

Buddy didn't have a full week of Spring Break, but he did have Thursday, Friday and the Monday after Easter off. I took of Thursday & Friday with him, and Babe took off Monday. 

So, thursday it was just me and Buddy...some 1:1 time that was much needed :)
We had a relaxed, fun day. Went shopping, ate lunch at pizza hut, played some basketball, and just really enjoyed each others company. I loved it. 

Friday, it was me and ALL the kiddos. They were cranky and I was tired, but we made the best of it. In the morning we headed to the mall with Grandmom. The kids played at Tumbletown for a little, then we went to a couple stores so Buddy could look at Kobe Bryant jerseys. Then Princess wanted to see the Easter Bunny. We stood in line for 20mins and when it was our turn she freaked out and changed her mind. Lovely. So...we walked into Bath & Body Works - i bought me some smelly good candles and bought the kids some smelly good hand sanitizers. When we left the store, Princess again said she wanted to see the stood in line again. She was nervous, but Buddy was with us this time (him and Gmom had gone somewhere else the 1st time), so she was brave. Buddy stood next to the Bunny, Princess stood to the other side - wide gap between her and the bunny, lol - but it was Monkey with the issue this time. As I was trying to pry Monkey off of me to sit with the Bunny, the nerves got the best of Princess and she started to cry and freak out. So, i said forget it! Buddy stayed and sat with the Bunny, talking like it was Christmas. Seriously?! LOL...anywho...we then got lunch and headed home. Once home, we colored some Easter pictures for babe, did some Easter crafts, played outside, played inside, and watched Buddy at baseball practice! It ended up being a pretty productive day :)

Saturday we headed to an Easter Egg Hunt with my cousin and her family!
The hidden eggs were hard boiled eggs...and there were 60 dozen!!!!
All the kiddos had a blast :) 

Bucket head!

Silly boys!
This is an "Awww" moment, dontcha think?!

another super cute "Awww" moment :)

I tried to get a good pic of all 3...

Hard boiled eggs go CRUSH!!!

Easter morning was filled with all 3 kids up by 6:05 am, ready to find all the eggs EB (Easter Bunny) hid and see what was in their baskets! EB decided to leave a trail of eggs from Buddies room to our room...what was EB thinking?!  And the amount of candy EB brought?! O.M.GOODNES!!! I say it every year..."EB, PLEASE, NOT A LOT OF CANDY!!!" But does EB listen? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) 

Easter baskets for Monkey & Princess along with a sandbox!!!

Easter basket for Buddy along with some pretty awesome outside toys!!!

Open egg-Insert candy...that was Monkey's motto for the entire day!

"Yea buddy!!! I've got the best sugar rush ever and it's not even 7am!!!"

Hello Kitty band-aids are the best. No lie.

Peep on peep.

Still has candy in his mouth! LOL!

My pride & joy! They are the cutest babies ever!!

Me with my babies! :)
 After seeing what EB left and getting everyone ready, we headed over to Babe's parents for some Easter breakfast! They had some more Easter goodies for the kids :)

My boys enjoying some jello cake. I think it's Buddy's new fav!

Finger licking good!

More of Princess in her Easter dress to come..i just couldn't stop taking pictures of her! She was breath-taking!!
OH he is just so kissable, loveable, hugable!!!

 Monkey wasn't happy about something! And then he crossed his arms...or tried to...funniest thing. Ever.

After Babe's parents we headed over to MY parents (busy day, eh?) We enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, yummy Easter dinner and even yummier Easter desserts :) 

The kids peaking at the eggs being hidden

They are ready!!! "Let's go get them eggs already!!!"

 Precious moment right here. Once Monkey realized the egg was right behind him, he tried and he tried until he finally got it!!!

 YAY!!!!!! Good job, Monkey!

After the hunt the kids played with Buddy's new Frisbee golf game! FUN!!!

Then we had a surprise visitor...EB!!!!!!!!!!
 EB quickly ran off, but the kids chased him!!!

"EB run away" :(
Fun on the tree swing!


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