

More stories from Buddy :)

Buddy came home with another Journal. He has been writing so much lately, and his imagination is all over the place - i LOVE it. And, i must say, he is funny! Him and I were cracking up over some of his journal entries. This one in particular...

Buddy ran 1000 miles
Buddy ran 1000 miles per hour. He's so sweaty. I hope you can see him. He wants to go home before 7:00pm but it's already 7:00pm.
"Hey I'm home. Oh no!!!!! I'm not home. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Homes 1000 miles away!!! It's 12:00pm.
"Yes, now I'm home. Oh NO AGAIN. I'm not home. It's another 1000 miles away." It's 12:00pm.
"Now I'm home. COME ON. I'M NOT HOME?" Homes 1000 miles away. It's 12:00pm.
"He's he's flying. My sons flying!!!! He's so close to home now."
"Finally I'm home. O.K. I hope this is the last time this happens. Ah mom and you home? Dad are you home? Anyone home?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom I'm home. Dad I'm home."
Oh and he's still sweaty.
WHO SAID NO. My baby brother named chicken.
"Am I home yet?" Someone called no. I don't know who it was. It was my baby brother again.
"Anyone got water?"
Still NOT home. I noticed it's already noon, noone has to tell me.
Are you sure? I'm sure said Buddy.
"Mom Dad Mom Dad!"
"Are you kidding ME. I'll never get home. I hope on the next page I get home. I've been going thru like 15 deserts.
"Mom, Dad I'm home. Hey, that was like cutrillyian infinity mins. Finally, Yes, now I'm home. Mom, I'm sweaty, can you please give me water?" "Yes"
(On the last page I said i hope on this page I wanted to get home. It was a fake house.)
"Ok, we have 0 miles left till we get home" Buddy said.
Hunter said "Ok. I mean I know. Aren't you sweaty?"
"Are you J.K.?"
"Yes, I'm very sweaty" said Buddy.
Do you see what they're saying?They're home.
"We're home! And it isn't a fake house."
 They're very glad they're home.

LOL. I read that very fast and Buddy and I were cracking up the whole time. It doesn't make sense and goes all over the place, but you can still see what Buddy was getting at and how he was trying to be funny! Love him!

This other story is cute...

Facts about my Siblings
My sister is 3 years old. My brother is 1. Look at mom. Don't you think she's MAD!!! Monkey threw food. You can see. Princess drew on the wall. Do you see.

And Buddy's teacher commented on the above story saying, "Oh my! Poor Mom!"


I can't get enough of these storied from Buddy! They really make my day :)
Buddy also has illustrations with his stories, that's why you'll see him write things like "I hope you see" or "You can see"...if i can figure out a way to get them in here you can bet you'll be seeing those, too :)

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