

Rain is a good thing!

Last Wednesday, during the busiest work of week I've probably ever had, I got a phone call from daycare. Princess had gotten sick and had to go home. Of course, it was Babe's 2nd week on the job so he couldn't get her. The ball was in my court. And, honestly, it doesn't matter how busy your week is, when your baby is sick, you want to be with them as much as they want to be with you. 

So, i rushed home and Princess and I enjoyed the day together...
the 1st half of our time was spent arguing. Me trying to get her to lay down and relax and watch as much TV as she wanted...vs...Her not wanting to do anything but play. 

I eventually gave in. She was acting normal. Eating normal. Getting sick must have been a fluke (or Gods way of saying "Hey! You and her need some 1:1 time"). So...I stopped trying to get her to rest, and we played and played and played. 

In the afternoon it rained. A LOT. 
So her and I decided to check it out :) 
And here's how that went...

She's saying "i go in rain just ONE more time?!"
 The rain eventually stopped and we were able to get Buddy from the busstop and Monkey from daycare without getting wet - woohoo! Then, soon after we got home, MORE rain. 
A LOT MORE rain.

It was pretty cool rain. I haven't seen it rain that hard in a while!

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