

Frosty Harper!

As most of you Marylanders know, we got a bunch of snow today!
While at 1st I wasn't too please with it,
as it took me almost 2 hours to get home from Parkville,
I ended up having a lot of fun with Buddy playing in it!!

We went out for a little while to play, and shovel the walk for Babe.
He still had to work :(
After shoveling, Buddy & I soon found out that this snow was PERFECT for snowman making! So...snowman making we did! When we finished, I asked Buddy what he wanted to name his new best friend, and Buddy very creatively came up with FROSTY ;) I original ;) haha
Here is how our snowman making turned out!!

Buddy loves his new best friend, Frosty! I'm sure he'll be sad to see him go, when the weather warms up a little bit! But we had a great time!!!

1 comment:

Juan Antonio Roco, Pintor al Oleo said...


Un saludo desde Chile...!!!

Juan Antonio Roco