

10 months old!

I can't believe i'm sitting here writing a blog about Monkey turning 10months old. I feel like it was just yesterday he was born, not 10 months ago! I had someone tell me over the weekend that they felt the same way. She said "I feel like it was just yesterday when I was holding him, just weeks old, and now look at him!" are just growing too fast!

Here's what Monkey is up to at 10months:
~ Walking to get to and from everywhere...there is no more crawling in Monkey-land.
~ He can stand up without the assistance of something else. He's become very balanced.
~ He's been eating pretty much all solid foods. And he still loves eating pretty much anything.
~ He loves waving HI and BYE. And sometimes, he even says "Haaaa" ie HI
~ So, he's said his 1st word...from above..."HI" :)
~ He got his 1st pair of shoes. He's rarely worn them, lol, but they are cute.
~ He loves wrestling with Buddy and chasing Princess. They could all do this for hours if able :)
~ Kisses! He's started blowing kisses! Mu-ah! Oh so cute :)

1 comment:

laura said...

Happy 10 months cutie!