

This and That

We've been busy bees lately! Buddy's sports class is going great! He played football last night, and absolutely loved it! I think we have 2 weeks left --- but they made last night seem like the last night. So I have to call on that!

Most of our Christmas decorations are up! Even the ones outside! However, AFTER we spent an hour in the freezin' cold putting them up, we come to find out that the outside electrical socket doesn't work! WTF?! This is the 3rd place in our house that isn't working. So --- we have to spend money to have an electrician come out to fix the problem. How great of a Christmas present is that?! :( We're hoping it's not going to break the bank --- but at Christmas time, the bank is pretty close to being broke as it is! Yikes!!!

We've gotten our family Christmas pics done. A friend of ours did them, and I think they turned out great! Christmas cards are being mailed out today! So keep an eye out for them ;)

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant, and everything is looking great!!! I can't believe just 87 more days until her due date! Time is just flying!!!

I promise I'll update more soon! Here are a couple of our Christmas pics:

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