

All swimmed out

I don't know about the kids, but I am totally swimmed out!
We spent friday evening at the pool with Princess's birthday twin, Saturday we went to a pool party, and Sunday we went to a friends for a cookout - and they had a pool!

Friday's pics...

I didn't get many pics b/c it was just me swimming with the kids. Babe has/had something going on with his ankle and didn't want to risk contaminating anyone else!!!
But we had a blast! The kiddie pool was perfect for all 3 kids!
And when he was able to, Buddy jumped and jumped and jumped off the diving board! He LOVED it!

I don't have any pics from Saturday..booo :(

Sunday, I have a few pics and a video!
Monkey really took to the pool this weekend! Each day getting more braver.
So brave that yesterday, he would stand at the top of the steps to the pool and tell me to "get out!" so he could jump in himself! No...we didn't let him jump in by himself...but how hilarious is he?!

Oh yea, and Monkey would keep saying and signing "more" every time i dunked him!
So cute!

Here's the video of Buddy and Monkey jumping in...
check out Monkey's smile after coming up from under the water :)

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