

We're still fishies!!!

The more we swim with our friends in THEIR pools, the more we want our OWN pools!

But until that happens, if ever, we enjoy time spent with our friends and are thankful for them inviting us into their homes, and pools :)

I had off work last thursday and friday and spent the 2 days with Buddy :)
Thursday we went downtown with my mom and got my car detailed! Love that the car is so clean now...taking bets on how long it stays that way ;)
Friday, Buddy and I went over a friends parents house to swim. It was a lot of fun. Gorgeous house and huge pool! And lots of laughs :)
Buddy and his friend and his friend decided to do tricks off the diving board. So my friend and I were giving them things to do. Lauren told them to do the "dump truck"...which is where you fall on your butt at the end of the diving board then fall into the pool. If you don't quite get what I'm saying, Buddy can show you perfectly.

He won 1st place for that ;)
And we all got a good laugh from it, too :)\

Buddy doing a cannon ball!!!!

Scuba Bud!!!

We really had a great time! We were invited back later in the evening, but already had plans to hit up our small town carnival :)

Saturday during Buddy's baseball practice, we were invited by one of his teammates to come swimming over their house! And that we did! And we all had so much fun :)

This was taken near the end of the day, without a nap...Monkey was a little cranky!!!

Princess being silly!!!

Princess has *really* improved in the pool since the beginning of the summer. She will now go under all by herself :) So proud of her!!!

Sunday, we had a couple friends over for a small cookout! Got out the kiddie pool, bouncy water slide and grilled on the grill!!! Pics of that to come as well :)

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