

My 30 Before (or During) 30 List

Soon after i turned 29 almost a year ago, I came up with a list of 30 things I wanted to do before turning 30! Now that it's my last day in my 20's...i'm going to blog my list! :) There are 4 things remaining that I have yet to'll see them...but that is why it's a "Before OR During" list ;)

#1 - 3 kids before 30!
Completed this on December 1st, 2010 at 3:48pm :)

#2 - Watch the movie The Bucket List!
Completed this on 7/25/10 :)

#3 - Get back to pre-Monkey weight!
As of 6/2/11 I am at my pre-Monkey weight...YAY :)

#4 - Weed out fake friends!
While I have definetely weeded out those who I once thought were friends, I think this is an ongoing goal. People change, I change...and those that I have recently weeded out may someday return to prove me wrong.

       GET A TATTOO.
This will be completed DURING 30 ;)
COMPLETED --- 6/9/12 (talk about waiting til the last minute!)  ---

While this was supposed to be completed on our 7th Anniversary, Mother Nature delayed it. We will now we doing this on 7/2/ DURING 30 ;)

#7 - Go to a gun range!
Babe and I made a date out of this one! See our exciting date HERE!

While I was hoping to complete this today, on my last day in my 20s, the weather is way too hot! So this will be completed DURING 30 ;)
Completed 10-10-11 - see FORE!!!

Who knew tickets to visit and go up the Statue of Liberty sold out months in advance?! I didn't know until I went to purchase them! So, this will be completed DURING 30, as we will be going in October 2011 ;)
Completed 10-22-11 - see Statue of Liberty!

#10 - Read a book a month!
This was originally meant so that I could find time to myself and read a book for myself once a month. But with 3 kids and a schedule opposite of Babes that is VERY hard to do. So...since I am reading about 5 books a night with the kids, i thought it right to mark this goal complete :)

#11 - Celebrate Life Everyday!
With 3 kids and an amazing husband, this is hard NOT to complete :)

#12 - Try Indian Food!
Babe and I did this when I was about 38 weeks pregnant! I was hoping the spicy food would bring Monkey out a little earlier, but it didn't ;)

#13 - Volunteer with Buddy somewhere!
I was hoping that after we volunteered somewhere once that it would continue to be a monthly thing. While that hasn't happened yet, i'm going to hope to continue our volunteering during 30. But we did complete this goal at a local retirement community by going up on a Saturday morning and playing Bingo with the residents!

#14 - Try 1 new dinner recipe a month!
I definetely completed this task! I think I did most of them over 3 months of being home with Monkey ;) Yum!!!
#15 - Try 1 new dessert recipe a month!
This one was fun and tasty!

#16 - Have more dates with Babe!
Though still not as much as I'd like, Babe and I have gotten out a lot more. We've even had date nights in...a movie by the fire place with some wine...that's a PERFECT date to me :)

#17 - Start Kettle Bells!
I've started. I'm not consistant with them. But i do enjoy it!

#18 - Watch at least 1 live episode of Big Brother a week!
I know this seems like such an easy one, but it wasn't. But i did do it! And I can't wait for the next season to come on! :)

#19 - Walk with head held high!
I often found myself walking at work staring at the ground. No particular reason. So I started keeping my head up, and smiling. It's amazing all the friendly people you meet by doing that! I've made some new "friends" simply by saying "Hello" and smiling! :)

#20 - Eat at the Oregon Grille!
Babe and I had a date here during restaurant week last year! It was really good!

#21 - Own a single family home!
We settled on 8/31/10 :) It's the 1st house we've owned that really fells like home :)

#22 - Meet someone famous!
Wasn't sure how I was going to do this until Babe won some nice O's tickets from Best Buy! He gave them to Buddy and I and it was a great time! On 7/24/10, Buddy and I met some older O's players: Rick Dempsey, Al Bumpry and Will Ohmen (who is a current O's player)  :)

#23 - Pick FRESH Strawberries!
We had a nice family outting on 5/30/11 at Shaw's Orchard :)

#24 - Go to a NASCAR race!
As an early Birthday present, my Dad bought us tickets to the NASCAR race in Dover, DE at the Monster Mile :)

#25 - Keep Sundays free as much as possible!
Those who know us well know that we aren't often AT home. We are usually on the run, out and about. It was starting to take a toll on us all. And let me tell you...being home doing a lot of nothing is actually A LOT of fun :)

#26 - Join a meet up group in PA!
A friend from HS told me about a Mom's group in PA! I joined. And i've met some really awesome Mom's, Dad's and kids :)

#27 - Start a New tradition!
We've started a lot in the last year...but 2 of my favorites are my weekly pedicures/manicures with Princess and our weekly walks to Bonkeys with the whole family :)

#28 - Buy fresh produce from a farmers market!
I could have made this "go to a farmers market" as well! The fruit was some of the best i'd ever had :)

#29 - Complete the Warrior Dash!
On 5/21/11 Babe and I ran the Warrior Dash! I finished in 47:48.25 :)

#30 - Give birth Naturally/3 different ways!
Buddy was a csection. At 39 weeks he turned breech.
Princess was a vbac with an epi. From the 1st contraction to her arrival was just 4 hours.
Monkey was my all natural childbirth baby :) 4 hours as well, and i only pushed for 8mins! It is a GREAT accomplishment and I am glad to say I DID IT!!! :)

It has been SO MUCH FUN doing all of these things!!! I've done things I never thought I would...met new people I never thought I would...and just have had a lot of great experiences :) Now...what will I be doing in my next 30 years?! Stay tuned... ;)

1 comment:

Mamakat23 said...

Skip trip weekend for my birthday!!! That'll be for your list! It'll probably end up being in January sometime, though. :-)
Your last comment there makes you sound like Tim McGraw's song, "My next 30 years" ;-) Congrats on all the fun you've set yourself up to!